My job as a ghostwriter is to help you every step of the way in writing your book. Writing your book begins with a brief discussion about your book to help me learn how I can help you get your book off the ground. I have outlined the simple process to help you understand how easy and uncomplicated it is to talk to me with no obligation.  


Simple Book Consultation Process:


Non-Disclosure Agreements signed by both parties (to protect and get us off on the right foot)

Zoom Meeting

Schedule a ZOOM meeting to meet face to face

Discuss Book

Discuss details of the book, contents along with Book Size, and approximate word count

Statement of Work

Statement of Work is given with all details in writing

Book Draft

A book proposal is drafted for review and signed by both parties.

Contract Is Signed

Contract signed by both parties with all details in writing

Work Begins

Meetings scheduled at the author’s convenience to begin work on the book.

Your New Book

Have an excellent new book for the world to enjoy!

Next Steps...

Get in touch with me today and let’s talk about your new book or project!  Schedule a FREE 30-minute BOOK CONSULT with me and let’s talk about your new book project with NO OBLIGATION!

The World Needs Your Book! Specializing in non-fiction books, including business/sales, self-help, music and movie star memoirs, inspirational, personal tragedy, autobiographies, memoirs, religious and children's picture books.  I am your GO-TO GHOSTWRITER for anyone with a dream of writing a book who wants to help and has a story to tell.

Schedule a FREE 30-minute BOOK CONSULT with me and let’s talk about your new book project with NO OBLIGATION!
(Disclaimer-All conversations and discussions held in the strictest of confidentiality.)