Unleash Your Writing…Bring Them Magic

Has there ever been a day when you feel you must tell your story?

Have you ever said, “I need to write a book about that?”

Of course, you have. We all have.

I have said those words so many times over the years and the lack of time never seemed to allow me to sit down and do it. In being honest, lack of motivation was the cause.

I made excuses.

“I didn’t have the time, or I have nothing to say.”

Bull crap!

I could have made time to write my first book. I ignored the calling until my life took the downturn and spiraled downward until I was flat on my back.

Once I was down. I could only look up and within. I realized that I must write. It was the time in my life to face the challenge. I had to fall back on my life’s true passion…


Looking back, I have always been a writer. I was a professional musician and over 52 years have written many songs using words and prose to craft them.

Losing my leg in December 2017 started my journey in finding myself. I searched deep within my soul.

I sat down at the computer with a different frame of mind. With a few strokes of my fingers across the keyboard, my stars aligned. I found me and I had a story to tell. I had something to say, and I set out to tell my story. I needed to show the world what was inside my heart.

Do you have something to say?  Writing a book is the first step in clarity of mind, knowledge of yourself, and cleansing of the soul. I know that was philosophical but true words.

Unleashing your writing and telling the world your story has many immediate and long-term benefits besides the obvious.

Personal healing-The act of writing a book, allows you to find your voice. By re-living your experience and writing your story to the world, pushes you to dig deep within and sort through internal struggles. By helping your inner self heal through the writing of your words, allows your soul and mind to heal making your life bigger and better.

Physical healing-Telling your story and getting your words down on paper is not only good for your soul but for physical healing. When I was down with my leg amputation, I found the writing to be comforting which allowed me to relax and take my mind off the pain I was experiencing. If you are hurt, or in a place in your life where you need more, your words can take you to other places within your mind. Your mind and body are synonymous and as you heal your mind, your body will follow.

Writing is an art and a gift. Look at your book project as a gift your giving to others for a lifetime. Your book will allow your family to be a part of your life during theirs. You can transport them into your days, what you experienced and along the way, learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible.

Writing a book is magic. It will transport your reader from where they are and place them into your life. If done well, your writing will make them forget their troubles, even for a little while. That is magic in the truest sense.

Unleash what is inside you and present to the world your magic. Amaze them and you will amaze yourself.

If you would like to learn more about ghostwriting and have me write and tell your story, get in touch with me at ghostwriterusa1@gmail.com or schedule a FREE book consultation at http://meetme.so/ghostwritingusa


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The World Needs Your Book! Specializing in non-fiction books, including business/sales, self-help, music and movie star memoirs, inspirational, personal tragedy, autobiographies, memoirs, religious and children's picture books.  I am your GO-TO GHOSTWRITER for anyone with a dream of writing a book who wants to help and has a story to tell.

Schedule a FREE 30-minute BOOK CONSULT with me and let’s talk about your new book project with NO OBLIGATION!
(Disclaimer-All conversations and discussions held in the strictest of confidentiality.)